Physicist with thorough experience on data analysis, software development and algorithm design. Open architectures enthusiast. Team player who strives to find the right solutions.
Skill Highlights
Fluent in Python, C/C++, JavaScript | GUI design and development | ||
GNU/Linux systems development | MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite databases | ||
Scientific computation tools | TCP/IP Internals, network architectures | ||
Design of analog and digital devices | R, Java, Prolog, Haskell, Lisp |
Academic Degrees
PhD in High Energy Physics, 2008
Universidad de Valencia and IFIC, Valencia, Spain -
Ingenieur de l'Ecole Polytechnique (MS in Physics), 2000
Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
Work and Research Experience
Freelance, February 2017 – present
Madrid, SpainProgramming in the project “A Touch of Venus” to create physical 3D models of planets with the Astronomical Observatory in Valencia and selected by the International Astronomical Union as an outreach project for children and schools.
Development of the Entrez Python interface to access the biological databases at the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Algorithm Architect, August 2015 – February 2017
Synaptics Inc, San Jose, CADevelopment of algorithms for touch sensing on adverse noise conditions. Tool design for data capture infrastructure. Creation of compressed data transfers for communications with the integrated circuit.
Software Developer, April 2014 – June 2015
Biocomputing Unit, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, CSIC, Madrid, SpainPipeline development for the analysis of electron microscopy images in structural biology. Implementation of image processing algorithms for data analysis and model reconstruction.
Software Developer, January 2012 – April 2014
MP2P Technologies, Madrid, SpainDesign and development of web crawlers and automated test systems for a new web search engine.
Research Associate, July 2011 – December 2011
Grupo de Relatividad y Gravitación, Universitat de les Illes Balears, SpainResearch in gravitational waves within the LIGO collaboration.
Research Associate, July 2008 – June 2011
Center for Gravitation and Cosmology, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, WIResearch in gravitational waves within the LIGO collaboration. Data analysis and pipeline development for counterparts of gamma ray bursts. Detector calibration, time-domain reconstruction of the gravitational wave signal. Software infrastructure for online analysis, data quality and monitoring.
Head of Infrastructure and IT Support, April 2005 – September 2007
Bioinformatics Department, Prince Felipe Research Center, Valencia, SpainComputer Scientist and System Administrator of GNU/Linux systems, including the normal operation and improvement of several computer clusters, extensive programming in C, C++ and Python both for system administration and research. Collaboration in research programs.
PhD Student and Research Assistant, September 2000 – April 2005
Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, SpainSimulation of future long baseline neutrino experiments. Comparison of the physics reach and relative performances of Neutrino Factories, Beta-Beams, e-capture Beams and Super-Beams, including full neutrino oscillations, detector responses and statistical analysis of the resulting data. Study of the correlations and degeneracies that appear in any single experiment and implementation of different strategies to solve them. Also, data analysis of hadronic cross-sections within the HARP collaboration.
Research Assistant, September 2002 – March 2003 and April – June 2003
Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland, and University of California at Irvine, CA -
Data-analysis Software Development, March 2002
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Collaboration with Paul F. Kunz (from SLAC) and Jose Hernando-Morata (from USC and CERN) in software development for HippoDraw, a data analysis environment. -
Visiting Researcher, Nov. 2000 – Feb. 2002, Oct. 2002 – March 2004
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland -
Scientific Internship, April – September 2000
CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandAnalysis of the forward-backward asymmetry in quark production at LEP, with the group “Beyond Electroweak” in the ALEPH collaboration.
Spanish | Native speaker | ||
English, French | Fluent, spoken and written | ||
German | Basic, spoken and written |
Other Accomplishments
Prize to the best article in physics outreach at the CPAN VIII Outreach Challenge, Spain, October 2017
2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, September 2016
Awarded to the full K2K/T2K Collaboration for outstanding achievements for the discovery and study of neutrino oscillations. -
Development of Multidimensional Array and Tensor extensions for the GNU Scientific Library, 2004
Member of the Robotic Team, October 1998 – May 1999
Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
Programming of the Artificial Intelligence of the robot presented by the Ecole Polytechnique in the competition “Coupe de France de Robotique”. -
Silver medal (6th place) in the VI Spanish Physics Olympiad (Santander, Spain) and member of the Spanish Team in the XXVI International Physics Olympiad, Canberra, Australia, 1995
Los neutrinos se miran al espejo, 2017
Article for the CPAN VIII Outreach Challenge, Spain -
Playing at Being Einstein, 2012
Participated in organizing and running the stand on Gravitational Waves at the StAS National Science Fair, with posters and physics videogames, Alicante, Spain -
¿Neutrinos con prisa?, 2012
Article for the local newspaper Última Hora, Mallorca, Spain -
The Origin of the Universe, 2011
Colloquium at the Guillem Colom Casanovas High School, Sóller, Spain -
Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, 2008
Colloquium at the Astronomy Club, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA -
The Origin of the Universe, 2006
Colloquium at the Juan de Garay High School, Valencia, Spain
Conferences and Workshops
Talks and Posters
Iberian Gravitational Waves Meeting 2011
Universitat de les Illes Balears, Mallorca, Spain, 2 – 4 February 2011. -
Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 26 – 29 January 2011. -
LSC-Virgo March 2010 Meeting
California Institute of Technology, California, USA, 15 – 18 March 2010. -
LSC-Virgo September 2009 Meeting
Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary, 19 – 24 September 2009. -
LSC-Virgo March 2009 Meeting
California Institute of Technology, California, USA, 16 – 19 March 2009. -
13th General Meeting of the European Physical Society “Beyond Einstein, Physics for the 21st Century” (EPS13)
University of Bern, Germany, 11 – 15 July 2005. -
7th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories & Superbeams (NuFACT'05)
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, Italy, 21 – 26 June 2005. -
International Workshop on Exploring the Impact of New Neutrino Beams
European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics (ECT*), Trento, Italy, 18 – 22 October 2004. -
Terrestrial and Cosmic Neutrinos, Leptogenesis and Cosmology
Benasque Center for Science, Benasque, Spain, 5 – 22 July 2004. -
5th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories & Superbeams (NuFACT'03)
Columbia University, New York, USA, 5 – 11 June 2003. -
3rd International Workshop on Neutrino Factory based on Muon Storage Rings (NuFACT'01)
Tsukuba, Japan, 24 – 30 May 2001.
Gravitational Waves with GStreamer Workshop
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Toronto, 8 – 11 November 2010. -
20th Annual Midwest Relativity Meeting
University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 5 – 6 November 2010. -
LSC-Virgo September 2010 Meeting
Cracow, Poland, 20 – 24 September 2010. -
Advanced Python Training Workshop
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 3 – 5 August 2010. -
LSC-Virgo December 2009 Meeting
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, 14 – 17 December 2009. -
13th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW - 13)
San Juan, Puerto Rico, 19 – 22 January 2009. -
LSC-Virgo December 2008 Meeting
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, 15 – 18 December 2008. -
10th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Super beams and Beta beams (NuFact '08)
Universidad de Valencia and IFIC, Valencia, 30 June – 5 July 2008. -
International Conference on Quantum Gravity (LOOPS '07)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Morelia, Mexico, 25 – 30 June 2007. -
International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2006)
Palacio Municipal de Congresos, Madrid, 22 – 30 August 2006. -
4th European Conferences on Computational Biology (ECCB 2005)
Palacio Municipal de Congresos, Madrid, 28 September – 1 October 2005.
Enhanced sensitivity of the LIGO gravitational wave detector by using squeezed states of light
Aasi, J. and others
2013, Nature Photon. 7 -
A Toroidal Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) for a Neutrino Factory
Bross, A. and others
2013, arXiv:1306.5327 -
The EUROnu Project
Edgecock, T. R. and others
2013, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 16 – arXiv:1305.4067 -
Parameter estimation for compact binary coalescence signals with the first generation gravitational-wave detector network
Aasi, J. and others
2013, Phys. Rev. D88 – arXiv:1304.1775 -
Prospects for Localization of Gravitational Wave Transients by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo Observatories
Aasi, J. and others
2013, arXiv:1304.0670 -
Search for Gravitational Waves from Binary Black Hole Inspiral, Merger and Ringdown in LIGO-Virgo Data from 2009-2010
Aasi, J. and others
2013, Phys. Rev. D87 – arXiv:1209.6533 -
The Golden Channel at a Neutrino Factory revisited: improved sensitivities from a Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector
Bayes, R. and others
2012, Phys. Rev. D86 – arXiv:1208.2735 -
Einstein@Home all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in LIGO S5 data
Aasi, J. and others
2012, Phys. Rev. D87 – arXiv:1207.7176 -
A First Search for coincident Gravitational Waves and High Energy Neutrinos using LIGO, Virgo and ANTARES data from 2007
Adrian-Martinez, S. and others
2012, JCAP 1306 – arXiv:1205.3018 -
Search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts during LIGO science run 6 and Virgo science runs 2 and 3
Abadie, J. and others
2012, Astrophys. J. 760 – arXiv:1205.2216 -
Swift follow-up observations of candidate gravitational-wave transient events
Evans, P. A. and others
2012, Astrophys. J. Suppl. 203 – arXiv:1205.1124 -
The characterization of Virgo data and its impact on gravitational-wave searches
Aasi, J. and others
2012, Class. Quant. Grav. 29 – arXiv:1203.5613 -
Sensitivity Achieved by the LIGO and Virgo Gravitational Wave Detectors during LIGO's Sixth and Virgo's Second and Third Science Runs
Abadie, J. and others
2012, arXiv:1203.2674 -
All-sky search for gravitational-wave bursts in the second joint LIGO-Virgo run
Abadie, J. and others
2012, Phys. Rev. D85 – arXiv:1202.2788 -
Search for Gravitational Waves from Intermediate Mass Binary Black Holes
Abadie, J. and others
2012, Phys. Rev. D85 – arXiv:1201.5999 -
Implications For The Origin Of GRB 051103 From LIGO Observations
Abadie, J. and others
2012, Astrophys. J. 755 – arXiv:1201.4413 -
Detecting transient gravitational waves in non-Gaussian noise with partially redundant analysis methods
Biswas, R. and others
2012, Phys. Rev. D85 – arXiv:1201.2964 -
Likelihood-ratio ranking of gravitational-wave candidates in a non-Gaussian background
Biswas, R. and others
2012, Phys. Rev. D85 – arXiv:1201.2959 -
First Low-Latency LIGO+Virgo Search for Binary Inspirals and their Electromagnetic Counterparts
Abadie, J. and others
2011, arXiv:1112.6005 -
Upper limits on a stochastic gravitational-wave background using LIGO and Virgo interferometers at 600-1000 Hz
Abadie, J. and others
2011, Phys. Rev. D85 – arXiv:1112.5004 -
Search for Gravitational Waves from Low Mass Compact Binary Coalescence in LIGO's Sixth Science Run and Virgo's Science Runs 2 and 3
Abadie, J. and others
2011, Phys. Rev. D85 – arXiv:1111.7314 -
All-sky Search for Periodic Gravitational Waves in the Full S5 LIGO Data
Abadie, J. and others
2011, Phys. Rev. D85 – arXiv:1110.0208 -
Implementation and testing of the first prompt search for gravitational wave transients with electromagnetic counterparts
Abbott, B. P. and others
2011, Astron. Astrophys. 539 -
Directional limits on persistent gravitational waves using LIGO S5 science data
Abadie, J. and others
2011, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 – arXiv:1109.1809 -
Beating the spin-down limit on gravitational wave emission from the Vela pulsar
Abadie, J. and others
2011, Astrophys. J. 737 – arXiv:1104.2712 -
Search for gravitational waves from binary black hole inspiral, merger and ringdown
Abadie, J. and others
2011, Phys. Rev. D83 – arXiv:1102.3781 -
Measurement of inclusive π0 production in the Charged-Current Interactions of Neutrinos in a 1.3-GeV wide band beam
Mariani, C. and others
2010, Phys. Rev. D83 – arXiv:1012.1794 -
Search for Gravitational Wave Bursts from Six Magnetars
Abadie, J. and others
2010, Astrophys. J. 734 – arXiv:1011.4079 -
Calibration of the LIGO Gravitational Wave Detectors in the Fifth Science Run
Abadie, J. and others
2010, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A624 – arXiv:1007.3973 -
First search for gravitational waves from the youngest known neutron star
Abadie, J. and others
2010, Astrophys. J. 722 – arXiv:1006.2535 -
Measurements of forward proton production with incident protons and charged pions on nuclear targets at the CERN Proton Synchroton
Apollonio, M. and others
2010, Phys. Rev. C82 – arXiv:1006.1223 -
Search for Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescence in LIGO and Virgo Data from S5 and VSR1
Abadie, J. and others
2010, Phys. Rev. D82 – arXiv:1005.4655 -
Predictions for the Rates of Compact Binary CoalescencesObservable by Ground-based Gravitational-wave Detectors
Abadie, J. and others
2010, Class. Quant. Grav. 27 – arXiv:1003.2480 -
Search for gravitational-wave inspiral signals associated with short Gamma-Ray Bursts during LIGO's fifth and Virgo's first science run
Abadie, J. and others
2010, Astrophys. J. 715 – arXiv:1001.0165 -
Comparison of large-angle production of charged pions with incident protons on cylindrical long and short targets
Apollonio, M. and others
2009, Phys. Rev. C80 – arXiv:0909.0337 -
Forward production of charged pions with incident protons on nuclear targets at the CERN PS
Apollonio, M. and others
2009, Phys. Rev. C80 – arXiv:0907.3857 -
Large-angle production of charged pions with incident pion beams on nuclear targets
Apollonio, M. and others
2009, Phys. Rev. C80 – arXiv:0907.1428 -
Forward production of charged pions with incident π± on nuclear targets measured at the CERN PS
Apollonio, M. and others
2009, Nucl. Phys. A821 – arXiv:0902.2105 -
Forward π± production in p-O2 and p-N2 interactions at 12 GeV/c
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2008, Astropart. Phys. 30 – arXiv:0807.1025 -
Measurement of the production cross-sections of π± in p-C and π±-C interactions at 12-GeV/c
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2008, Astropart. Phys. 29 -
Absolute momentum calibration of the HARP TPC
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2008, JINST 3 -
Large-angle production of charged pions with 3–12.9 GeV/c incident protons on nuclear targets
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2008, Phys. Rev. C77 – arXiv:0805.2871 -
Measurement of single charged pion production in the charged-current interactions of neutrinos in a 1.3 GeV wideband beam
Rodriguez, A. and others
2008, Phys. Rev. D78 – arXiv:0805.0186 -
Experimental study of the atmospheric neutrino backgrounds for proton decay to positron and neutral pion searches in water Cherenkov detectors
Mine, S. and others
2008, Phys. Rev. D77 – arXiv:0801.0182 -
Large-angle production of charged pions by 3 GeV/c – 12 GeV/c protons on carbon, copper and tin targets
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2008, Eur. Phys. J. C53 – arXiv:0709.3464 -
Large-angle production of charged pions by 3 GeV/c – 12.9 GeV/c protons on beryllium, aluminium and lead targets
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2008, Eur. Phys. J. C54 – arXiv:0709.3458 -
Momentum scale in the HARP TPC
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2007, arXiv:0709.2806 -
Measurement of the production of charged pions by protons on a tantalum target
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2007, Eur. Phys. J. C51 – arXiv:0706.1600 -
A monochromatic neutrino beam to obtain U(e3) and the CP phase
Espinoza, C. and Bernabeu, J. and Burguet-Castell, J. and Lindroos, M.
2007, AIP Conf. Proc. 885 -
Particle identification algorithms for the HARP forward spectrometer
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2007, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A572 -
The HARP detector at the CERN PS
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2007, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A571 -
Measurement of the production cross-section of positive pions in the collision of 8.9 GeV/c protons on beryllium
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2007, Eur. Phys. J. C52 – arXiv:hep-ex/0702024 -
Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation by the K2K Experiment
Ahn, M. H. and others
2006, Phys. Rev. D74 – arXiv:hep-ex/0606032 -
A monochromatic electron neutrino beam
Lindroos, M. and Bernabeu, J. and Burguet-Castell, J. and Espinoza, C.
2006, PoS HEP2005 -
Measurement of the quasi-elastic axial vector mass in neutrino oxygen interactions
Gran, R. and others
2006, Phys. Rev. D74 – arXiv:hep-ex/0603034 -
An improved search for νμ→νe oscillation in a long-baseline accelerator experiment
Yamamoto, S. and others
2006, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 – arXiv:hep-ex/0603004 -
Perspectives in neutrino physics: Monochromatic neutrino beams
Bernabeu, J. and Burguet-Castell, J. and Espinoza, C. and Lindroos, M.
2005, arXiv:hep-ph/0512299 -
Physics reach with a monochromatic neutrino beam from electron capture
Bernabeu, J. and Burguet-Castell, J. and Espinoza, C.
2006, Pos HEP2005 – arXiv:hep-ph/0512297 -
Physics reach of electron-capture neutrino beams
Bernabeu, J. and Burguet-Castell, J. and Espinoza, C. and Lindroos, M.
2006, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 155 – arXiv:hep-ph/0510278 -
Measurement of the production cross-section of positive pions in p-Al collisions at 12.9-GeV/c
Catanesi, M. G. and others
2006, Nucl. Phys. B732 – arXiv:hep-ex/0510039 -
Search for coherent charged pion production in neutrino carbon interactions
Hasegawa, M. and others
2005, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 – arXiv:hep-ex/0506008 -
Monochromatic neutrino beams
Bernabeu, J. and Burguet-Castell, J. and Espinoza, C. and Lindroos, M.
2005, JHEP 12 – arXiv:hep-ph/0505054 -
Optimal beta-beam at the CERN-SPS
Burguet-Castell and Casper, D. and Couce, E. and Gomez-Cadenas, J.J. and Hernandez, P.
2005, Nucl. Phys. B725 – arXiv:hep-ph/0503021 -
JHF sensitivity and the 2-km intermediate detector
Burguet-Castell, J. and Casper, D.
2004, AIP Conf. Proc. 721 -
Evidence for muon neutrino oscillation in an accelerator-based experiment
Aliu, E. and others
2005, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 – arXiv:hep-ex/0411038 -
Neutrino oscillation physics with a higher gamma beta-beam
Burguet-Castell, J. and Casper, D. and Gomez-Cadenas, J.J. and Hernandez, P. and Sanchez, F.
2004, Nucl. Phys. B695 – arXiv:hep-ph/0312068 -
Leptonic CP violation measurement at the neutrino factory
Burguet Castell, J. and Mena, O.
2003, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A503 -
Oscillation physics with a neutrino factory
Apollonio, M. and others
2002, arXiv:hep-ph/0210192 -
Superbeams plus neutrino factory: The golden path to leptonic CP violation
Burguet-Castell, J. and Gavela, M. B. and Gomez-Cadenas, J.J. and Hernandez, P. and Mena, O.
2002, Nucl. Phys. B646 – arXiv:hep-ph/0207080 -
Superbeam studies at CERN
Blondel, A. and others
2001, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A503 -
Leptonic CP violation at the neutrino factory
Burguet-Castell, J. and Mena, O.
2001, arXiv:hep-ph/0108109 -
Physics potential of very intense conventional neutrino beams
Gomez-Cadenas, Juan Jose and others
2001, arXiv:hep-ph/0105297 -
On the measurement of leptonic CP violation
Burguet-Castell, J. and Gavela, M. B. and Gomez-Cadenas, J.J. and Hernandez, P. and Mena, O.
2001, Nucl. Phys. B608 – arXiv:hep-ph/0103258
Functional profiling and gene expression analysis of chromosomal copy number alterations
L. Conde et al.
2007, Bioinformation -
ISACGH: a web-based environment for the analysis of Array CGH and gene expression which includes functional profiling
L. Conde et al.
2007, Nucleic Acids Research -
Selective pressures at a codon-level predict deleterious mutations in human disease genes
L. Arbiza et al.
2006, Journal of Molecular Biology -
Next station in microarray data analysis: GEPAS
D. Montaner et al.
2006, Nucleic Acids Research